

Roberto at GEO with SIMBAMANGU

Roberto was a guest on the RAI TRE GEO program with a beautiful interview to talk about our project “SIMBAMANGU” on the Caracal and its conservation.

Roberto a GEO per Parlare di SIMBAMANGU
Tag: media, libri - Year:
The second edition of our Book on to the Unesco sites in Italy is released in China

“Italy World Heritage” continues its splendid journey and arrives in China with a new edition prefaced by the President Mattarella.

Esce in Cina la seconda edizione del nostro volume Touring dedicato ai siti Unesco italiani
Tag: media, libri - Year:
Our photographic exhibition launches the WWF campaign "Il Panda Siamo Noi"

Our photographic project on artists who interpret the look of animal species at risk of extinction becomes the launch of the WWF campaign on the topic.

La nostra mostra fotografica lancia la campagna WWF Il Panda Siamo Noi
Tag: media, mostra fotografica - Year:
Our Caracal returns in Germany

Il nosro Caracal torna in Germania
Tag: media, photo storie - Year:
Simbamangu Day

The presentation of the Simbamangu book was a success, our book dedicated to the caracal is “running” fast in two continents now.

Simbamangu Day
Tag: media, libri - Year:
It is a pleasure, as for many years now, to see our images on the Greenpeace 2024 calendar.

This year Greenpeace chooses our zebras for the cover image. Thanks to the Greenpeace staff, 2024 will be full of new challenges to face together.

Come da tradizione, le nostre immagini sul calendario di Greenpeace 2024.
Tag: media, photo storie - Year:
Our book on the Caracal, published in South Africa

Il nostro volume sul Caracal, edito in Sudafrica
Tag: media, libri - Year:
On Focus Wild in August, our article "What a thirst"

“How do animals drink?” it is from this question that we started for the article published in Focus Wild in August 2023

Su Focus Wild di agosto il nostro articolo “Che sete”
Tag: media, photo storie - Year:
KaraKal goes on the Naturfoto July Issue

On July 2023 issue of German magazine, our photo story on the trail of the Caracal in South Africa

Il KaraKal conquista la copertina di Naturfoto
Tag: media, photo storie - Year:
100 Years of Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise National Park

Since the celebration of the 100 years of the Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise National Park goes on also in 2023, we want to share with you this article, with text by Fulco Pratesi and our images, published in the latest issue of The Banca Popolare di Sondrio Magazine.

100 Anni del Parco d'Abruzzo, Lazio e Molise
Tag: media, photo storie - Year:
Greenpeace Italy 2023 calendar

Here we are: the Greenpeace 2023 calendar that shows 3 Homo ambiens images.

Calendario Greenpeace Italia 2023
Tag: media, photo storie - Year:
"Our" Capraia in Donna Moderna magazine,

In Issue 43/2022 of Donna Moderna, our story on the community of the island of Capraia, part of our long-term project on the small Italian islands.

La “nostra” Capraia sulla rivista Donna Moderna,
Tag: media, photo storie - Year:
Wild Rome at Montphoto Fest 2022 in Lloret de Mar, Catalonia Spain

We had the honour of opening the Montphoto Fest 2022 in Lloret de Mar in Rome with our Wild Rome long-term project

Wild Rome al Montphoto Fest 2022 di Lloret de Mar, Catalogna – Spagna
Tag: media, mostre, libri - Year:
The Zanzibar Ladies on Lonely Planet

The “Lonely Planet Magazine Italy” issue of Ott / Nov is out with our reportage on the women who cultivate the sea along the coasts of Jambiani (Zanzibar).

Le Donne di Zanzibar su Lonely Planet
Tag: media, photo storie - Year:
Bioparco di Roma foundation workshop on Wild Rome

The 18th of May at the Bioparco di Roma Foundation we were involved in the conference dedicated to Wild Rome, the wildlife of the Eternal City. We thank the organizers, speakers and all audience for the beautiful day.

Fondazione Bioparco di Roma seminario sulla Wild Rome
Tag: media, mostre, libri - Year:
May 2022 - happy birthday to the firstborn National Parks in Italy

The weekly magazine Donna Moderna hosts our story on the 100 years of the National Parks of Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise and Gran Paradiso.

Maggio 2022 - buon compleanno ai più longevi Parchi Nazionali d’Italia
Tag: media, photo storie - Year:
National Geographic Italy Special edition on Forests issue.

On the special issue of National Geographic Italy, entirely dedicated to the theme of Forests, an article inspired by our project Il Popolo Immobile on Mediterranean forests with a text by Mauro Fattor. The Reportage won the BEST EDITOR award among all the articles published by the more than 40 national publications of National Geographic.

National Geographic Italia Speciale Foreste
Tag: media, photo storie - Year:
Canon Day 2022

On 7th of May, during The Canon Day 2022 hosted by Camera Service Rome, we presented the Vanishing Beauty project to young and passionate photographers.

Canon Day 2022
Tag: media, mostre - Year:
The Black Bear on NaturFoto magazine 4/22

In the April issue of the German magazine NaturFoto, our one-month photo-reportage at the Yellowstone Park in company of Black Bears.

L’Orso nero su NaturFoto magazine di aprile
Tag: media, photo storie - Year:
It’s the 9th: Terre antiche, il cuore delle foreste casentinesi

Our book TERRE ANTICHE, il cuore delle foreste casentinesi is out. A year-long journey through the woods of one of the Italian territories richest in history and nature.

E sono 9: Terre antiche, il cuore delle foreste casentinesi
Tag: book libri - Year:
On Venerdì of La Repubblica the images of the consequences of the climate crisis on albatrosses.

Sul Venerdì di La Repubblica le immagini delle conseguenze della crisi climatica sugli albatros.
Tag: media, photo storie - Year:
Our work on the black bear in the French magazine Terre Sauvage.

Il nostro lavoro sull’Orso nero nella rivista francese Terre Sauvage.
Tag: media, photo storie - Year:
Greenpeace Italy 2022 calendar

Once again in 2022 our images selected to illustrate the Greenpeace Italy calendar, our significant collaboration with the environmental organization continues.

Calendario Greenpeace Italia 2022
Tag: media, photo storie - Year: 2021
Cover Stories, Nat'Images winter issue

Visions du Grand Nord is the Cover Story of the French magazine Nat'Images

Storie da Copertina, Nat’Images numero invernale
Tag: media, photo storie - Year: 2021
WILD ROME at "La Nuvola"

At the “Più Libri Più Liberi” Fair 2021, we were guests of the Lazio Region (stand L39) to present our book Wild Rome. In conversation with Bruno Cignini and Vito Consoli.

WILD ROME sulla Nuvola
Tag: book libri - Year: 2021
What is left in the woods?

On Focus Wild issue of November our story "What is left in the woods?", on the causes and costs of forest fires.

Cosa resta del Bosco?
Tag: media, photo storie - Year: 2021
The exhibition WWF Oasis, Pure nature

Among the events of the Photo Festival in Milan, the exhibition WWF/Homo ambiens PURA NATURA A visual journey through the beauty of the WWF Oasis, a naturalistic heritage of our country.

La mostra Oasi WWF, Pura natura
Tag: media, mostre - Year: 2021
WILD ROME At the Botanical Garden

On Sunday 10 October 2021 at the Botanical Garden of Rome, during the WWF Urban Nature event, togheter with the exhibition Wild Rome, Francesca Manzia of Lipu and our Micòl Ricci presented the book.

WILD ROME All’Orto Botanico
Tag: media, mostre, libri - Year:
On October Issue of “Bell'Europa” Magazine, the article on “Pyrenees Stones”

Our images showing the beauty of Ordesa Natural Park in Aragon and Augestortes Natural Park in Catalonia on October Bell’Europa magazine.

Su Bell’Europa di ottobre L’articolo “Le Pietre dei Pirenei”
Tag: media, photo storie - Year:
At the Parco dell’Appia Antica, the event on the photographic book " Paradisi Naturali d’Italia "

ON Saturday 9th of October we are at the Appia Antica Park to present the book “Paradisi Naturali d’Italia” with the author of the texts Gabriele Salari.

Al Parco Dell’Appia Antica la presentazione del Volume “Paradisi Naturali d’Italia”
Tag: book libri - Year:
On the Magazine 7 (Corriere della Sera), our images illustrate Fulco Pratesi's article "After a summer of fires"

Sul magazine 7 del Corriere della Sera le nostre immagini accompagnano l’articolo di Fulco Pratesi “Dopo un'estate d’Incendi”
Tag: media, photo storie - Year:
Vanishing Beauty Project on the website of the Rivista della Natura

The Kick off of our new long-term project Vanishing Beauty, which will keep us busy for the next few years, is online.

Vanishing Beauty Project sul sito web della Rivista della Natura
Tag: media, photo storie - Year:
In the autumn issue of the magazine La Rivista della Natura the article on the Danube Delta

Our travel diary to discover the Delta of the largest European river is on out.

Nel numero d’autunno de La Rivista della Natura l’articolo sul Delta del Danubio
Tag: media, photo storie - Year:
The photographic volume “Paradisi Naturali d’Italia” is in the bookstores

“Paradisi Naturali d’Italia” (published by Touring Club Italiano), through the impressive photos by Roberto Isotti and Alberto Cambone and the texts by Gabriele Salari, take us to 74 places among the most beautiful in Italy, paradise of biodiversity.

È in libreria il volume fotografico Paradisi Naturali d’Italia
Tag: book, libri - Year:
23rd International Festival Fürstenfelder Naturfototage, Germany

Finally live, Guests of the 23rd Fürstenfelder Naturfototage for a lecture on Wild Rome.

23° Festival Internazionale Fürstenfelder Naturfototage, Germania
Tag: media, mostre - Year:
Conservation Photography on the Rivista della Natura website

Our article on Conservation Photography, with an amazing gallery of images illustrating the results of the photographic techniques we use in the field.

La Conservation Photography sul sito della Rivista della Natura
Tag: media, photo storie - Year:
WWF International fresh water report

Another collaboration with the WWF International, this time for the freshwater report.

Report fresh water WWF International
Tag: media - Year:
Wild Rome is out

Wild Rome, the wildlife of the Eternal City. The photographic volume, through 200 colour images of 73 species, tells the story of the wild animals that live in the city of Rome.

È uscito Wild Rome
Tag: book libri - Year:
The kestrels of Rome

On the Nat'Images issue our photostory on the Forum of Augustus kestrels, in Rome.

I gheppi di Roma
Tag: media, photo storie - Year:
Our images on the last issue of Notiziario of Banca Popolare di Sondrio

Le nostre immagini ad illustrare la storia di Fulco Pratesi sul gobbo rugginoso e il pollo sultano, sull’ultimo numero del Notiziario della Banca Popolare di Sondrio.
Tag: media, photo storie, media - Year:
Greenpeace Calendar 2021

Greenpeace Calendario 2021
Tag: media, conservation photography - Year:
Aging in animals for a report on Focus Wild Magazine

L'invecchiamento negli animali per un servizio su Focus Wild
Tag: photo stories, media - Year: 2020
On Natur Foto Magazine our story on the come back in Europe of Golden Jackal

Su Natur Foto il nostro servizio sul ritorno dello Sciacallo dorato in Europa
Tag: photo stories, media - Year: 2020
Wildlife of Umbria for Lonely Planet Magazine

La fauna dell'umbria per il magazine Lonely Planet
Tag: photo stories, media - Year: 2020
Apennine Brown Bear on Focus Wild Magazine

Some images describe the photo story on Apennine Brown Bear

Orso marsicano su Focus Wild
Tag: photo stories, media - Year: 2020
The third edition of the lucky book on the Italian UNESCO world heritage sites. Touring Editore

La terza edizione del fortunato volume sui siti italiani Unesco patrimonio dell'umanità. Touring Editore
Tag: libri, media - Year:
The Peregrine Falcons of Rome in the latest issue of the prestigious French magazine TERRE sauvage

Another international trip to Wild Rome. Our project on the urban fauna of Rome is still in progress and does not stop giving us great happiness. Moreover We are very glad to have the opportunity to show the great work of the Ornis Italica association in Rome and beyond ...

I Falchi pellegrini di Roma sul prestigioso magazine francese TERRE sauvage,
Tag: photo stories, media - Year: 2020
The photo-story on Flamingos for Banca Popolare di Sondrio magazine

Il reportage sul Fenicottero per rivista di Banca Popolare di Sondrio
Tag: photo stories, media - Year:
2020 calendars with WWF Italy and GreenPeace Italy

I calendari 2020 con WWF Italia e GreenPeace Italia
Tag: photo stories, media, conservation photography - Year: 2020
The book "The Immobavle Tribe" goes to CANON DAY in Rome

Il libro “Il Popolo Immobile” va al CANON DAY di Roma
Tag: libri, media - Year: 2019
The report on the Wildlife of Rome on Lonely Planet Italia

Il reportage sulla Fauna di Roma su Lonely Planet Italia
Tag: photo stories, media - Year: 2019
The book "Popolo immobile" goes to LA NUVOLA in Rome

Presentation of the book during the Più Libri Più Liberi Festival.

Il libro “Popolo immobile” va a LA NUVOLA di Roma
Tag: libri, media - Year: 2019
The reportage on the Spanish Dehesa on Bell'Europa

Il reportage sulla Dehesa spagnola su Bell'Europa
Tag: photo stories, media - Year: 2019
The Book "The Immovable Tribe" goes to the MUSE of Trento

Thursday 3 October the Muse of Trento, as part of the soiree “click di sera”, invited Roberto Isotti to talk about Mediterranean Forests and Conservation Photography.

Il libro “Popolo immobile” va al MUSE di Trento
Tag: libri, media - Year:
The Caracal: a cover story

The South African magazine Landbou publishes an article by Nico Avenant, accompanied by our images and dedicated to the delicate issue of Caracal's relations with livestock farmers.

Il Caracal: una storia da copertina
Tag: photo stories, media - Year:
"The immovable Tribe" book presentation, in Pineto Pescara

From the mountains to the sea... After the beautiful evening of yesterday, today (29 August 2019) we presented our new book in Pineto , the nice Adriatic-coastwise village of Pineto

Presentazione de “Il Popolo Immobile” a Pineto Pescara
Tag: libri, media - Year:
The first step of the small Abruzzo tour of the “The Immovable Tribe "

It is always a great pleasure for us to stop in Pescasseroli in the PNALM, although for a brief stop. The emotion is double then if the occasion is to present our new book “The immovable Tribe”

Inizia il breve tour abruzzese di “Il Popolo Immobile”
Tag: libri, media - Year:
The last printed issue of “In Natura” guests our photo story on “What remains of The Forest”? On terrible consequences of the Italian fire season of 2017

L’ultimo numero cartaceo della rivista In Natura ospita la nostra storia fotografica “Cosa resta del Bosco?” Sulle gravi conseguenze a lungo termine della stagione degli incendi 2017.
Tag: photo stories, media - Year: 2019
New book: The Immovable Tribe, the last mediterranean forests

We are super happy to announce that “The Immovable Tribe”, our new book, is finally out. “The Immovable Tribe, the last mediterranean forests"; The volume,through unique images, tell the long and fascinating story of the Mediterranean forests and the fight for their preservation.

il Volume: Il Popolo Immobile, le ultime foreste del Mediterraneo
Tag: libri, media - Year: 2019
March 2019, for the 20 years of “La Rivista della Natura”, our photo-story “Simba Mangu” dedicated to the Caracal.

Marzo 2019, per i 20 anni di La Rivista della Natura, la nostra photo-story “Simba Mangu” dedicata al Caracal.
Tag: photo stories, media - Year:
The thermoregulation in the animal world on Focus Wild

On the February issue of Focus Wild, our story on the strategies of thermoregulation in the animal world.

La termoregolazione nel mondo animale su Focus Wild
Tag: News, Photo story, Media - Year: 2019
The first issue of Topolino 2019

On the first issue of the year of Topolino a photo story on some animals facing the Winter, our images.

Il primo numero di Topolino 2019
Tag: News, Photo story, Media - Year: 2019
Calendar 2019 Greenpeace Italy

As usual, also this year our images have been selected by Greenpeace to be part of its calendar.

Calendario 2019 Greenpeace Italia
Tag: News, Media - Year: 2018
Casentinesi Forests Project

As part of our long-term project on the latest Mediterranean Forests, we have started a collaboration with the nucleus of the Carabinieri of the Biodiversity of Pratovecchio in the Casentino area.

Progetto Foreste Casentinesi
Tag: News, Photo story, Media - Year: 2018
Canon Day

On December 15th we were hosted by the Camera Service Rome for The Canon Day, we talk about Conservation Photography in a lecture and a practical demonstration.

Canon Day
Tag: News, Exhibitions, Exhibitions - Year: 2018
The days of the Jackal

Our story on the jackal that passed through The Po river on the National Geographic Italy December 2018 issue

I giorni dello sciacallo
Tag: News, Photo story, Media - Year: 2018
Open Day 25th anniversary of Homo Ambiens

On November 17th we celebrated the 25th anniversary of Homo ambiens with many friends and a special guest! Let’s Party

Open Day per i 25 anni di Homo Ambiens
Tag: News, Exhibitions, Exhibitions - Year: 2018
The Calabrese Black Squirrel on the BBC Wildlife Magazine

On the October issue of the BBC Wildlife magazine, our article on the black squirrel recently recognized as a new species.

Lo Scoiattolo nero calabrese sul BBC Wildlife Magazine
Tag: News, Photo story, Media - Year: 2018
Our Collaboration with Wild (the official magazine of SAN Park) continues

On the 44 issue an article on the West Coast National Park incredible blossoming.

Continua la nostra collaborazione con Wild la rivista ufficiale dei Parchi Sudafricani
Tag: Media, News, Photo Stories - Year: 2018
25 years!

2018 is a special year for us, we celebrate our silver wedding with nature photography this year. We are publishing, on our Social-media profiles, 25 special images that tell our story, follow us...

E sono 25!
Tag: News - Year: 2018
At School of animal camouflage

Our images on the Topolino kid magazine 2nd of may 2018 issue, to illustrate the reportage on camouflage.

A scuola di mimetismo Bestiale
Tag: Media, News, Photo Stories - Year: 2018
Focus Wild - The Last Mediterranean Forests

On Focus Wild magazine, an article on one of the topic on which we have been most concentrated in recent years. A photo story narrate to kids and young.

Focus Wild - Le ultime foreste del Mediterraneo
Tag: News, Photostories - Year:
Bears and Bees

On the newspaper “Corriere della Sera” (28th Feb 2018), Fulco Pratesi featuring the story, illustrated by our images, of the role of bears and bees in the post-fire woods.

Orsi e Api
Tag: Photo Stories, News, Media - Year:
Calendar WWF Italy 2018

Calendario WWF Italia 2018
Tag: Media, News - Year:
Black-footed Cat

Our images on the first 2018 issue of Wild, official magazine of National Parks of South Africa

Gatto dai piedi neri
Tag: News, Photo Stories, Media - Year:

In those days we present an unpublished video of the Wild Rome project at the first international Citizen Science conference that is taking place in Rome at CNR's headquarters.

Tag: Exhibitions, News - Year: 2017
The Snow leopard - Mongolia project.

Happy to contribute to the last issue of The David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation Magazine with our snow leopard image.

The Snow leopard - Mongolia project.
Tag: Media, News, Photo Stories - Year:
Our images on 2018 Greenpeace calendar

Presentation of the Greenpeace Italia's calendar 2018, Homo Ambiens contributed with the cover image and some of the months images, for a whole year for nature conservation.

Le nostre immagini sul calendario Greenpeace 2018
Tag: News, Media - Year: 2018
Wild Rome exibithion goes to FINN2017

From 19th to 22nd of October, guests to the International Nature Namur 2017 Festival at the citadel tower showing the exhibition dedicated to the urban fauna of Rome.

La mostra dedicata al progetto Wild Rome al FINN2017
Tag: Exhibitions, News - Year: 2017
Wild Rome exibithion goes to Urban Nature WWF event

On Sunday, October 15, at the WWF Italia Urban Nature Event, the images of the protagonists of the Wild Rome project displayed on the terrace of Pincio.

La mostra dedicata al progetto Wild Rome all'evento Urban Nature del WWF
Tag: Exhibitions, News - Year: 2017
On 1538 issue of Venerdì di Repubblica the our Peregrine Falcon in Rome, with Birdcam Italy.

Sul numero 1538 del Venerdì di Repubblica i
Tag: News, Photo Stories, Media - Year:
The Danube Delta: green heart of Europe

Our images, on the July 2017 issue of Bell'Europa, tell the story of one of the key ecosystems to protect European biodiversity.

Il Delta del Danubio, cuore verde del vecchio continente
Tag: Media, News, Photo Stories - Year:
Our images from the book "Italia Patrimoni dell'umanità" used by Touring Clubs and Autostrade per l'Italia

Project dedicated to Unesco Italian sites. In the coming months you will be able to admire them in many “rest areas” of highways around Italy.

Le nostre immagini realizzate per il libro “Italia Patrimonio dell’umanità” utilizzate da Touring Club e Autostrade per l’Italia
Tag: News, Media, Exhibitions - Year:
At the award ceremony of the Photographic Competition for Lazio Schools "Discover and photograph the geological heritage of the Lazio Region" organized by SIGEA. Our lecture on Conservation photography.

Alla premiazione del Concorso fotografico per le scuole del Lazio “Scopri e fotografa il patrimonio geologico della Regione Lazio” organizzato da SIGEA. La nostra lecture sulla Conservation photography.
Tag: News, Contests, Exhibitions - Year:
GreenPeace Magazine, The Netherlands July 2017

GreenPeace Magazine, Olanda Luglio 2017
Tag: News, Media - Year:
Pro Wildlfe campaign against the trade of exotic animals - Germany, Berlin, April 2017

Campagna Pro Wildlife Campagna contro la commercializzazione degli animali esotici - Germania, Berlino - Aprile 2017
Tag: News, Media, Exhibitions - Year:
On the May issue of the prestigious French magazine Terre Sauvage our images tell the story of the Golden Jackal coming back in Europe continent

Sul numero di Maggio del prestigioso magazine Francese Terre Sauvage le nostre immagini raccontano la storia dello sciacallo dorato alla riconquista dell'Europa
Tag: Media, News, Photo Stories - Year:
In occasion of the World Wildlife Day African Geographic published our story on African Wildlife at risk: UP close conservation. 3rd of March 2017

In occasione del World Wildlife Day 2017 African Geographyc ha pubblicato la nostra foto story sulla fauna Africana: UP close conservation. 3 Marzo 2017
Tag: Photo Stories, News, Media - Year:
March 2017:With Greenpeace we have been walking by a common path since a long time, it is now even richer: our images are part of the database of Greenpeace international

Marzo 2017 Con Greenpeace percorriamo da tempo un sentiero comune. Da oggi è ancora più ricco: le nostre foto sono parte del database internazionale dell'Associazione
Tag: Media, News - Year:
2nd of February: We finally have the occasion to present our book on Castelporziano the last Mediterranean forest, in the beautiful Library housed at the old stables of Villa Torlonia

2 febbraio 2017: Abbiamo finalmente presentato il nostro libro dedicato alla foresta di Castelporziano, nella bella biblioteca ospitata alle scuderie vecchie di Villa Torlonia
Tag: Libro, News, media, Exhibitions - Year:
We post our photo story Wild Rome on the Arkive Blog today! January 2017

Oggi abbiamo raccontato il nostro progetto Wild Rome su Blog Arkive. Gennaio 2017
Tag: Media, News, Photo Stories - Year:
See our images published on TOPOLINO magazine makes us go back to our childhood - on this issue Fauna of the Far North 11th January 2017

Vedere le nostre immagini pubblicate su TOPOLINO ci fa tornare un po' bambini - su questo numero la Fauna del Grande Nord - 11 gennaio 2017
Tag: Media, News - Year:
Our partnership with WWF Italy goes on, this year the photos of the "Reale Mutua calendar for the WWF" gets as inspirational slogan "Together possible" January 2017

Prosegue la nostra collaborazione con il WWF Italia, quest'anno le foto del calendario
Tag: Media, News - Year:
Our exhibition "animals in the foreground" is showing at Camera Service Roma

La nostra mostra
Tag: Exhibitions, News - Year:
Happy to see our images on Apennine brown Bear at Pettorano sul Gizio la Festa del Letargo 2016

Felici di vedere a Pettorano sul Gizio alla
Tag: Exhibitions, News - Year:
Today, October 8 at 18 at the Museum of Zoology of Rome the event to talk about the project Wild Rome

Oggi 8 ottobre alle 18 al museo di Zoologia di Roma presenteremo il progetto Wild Rome
Tag: News,Photostories,Exhibitions - Year:
The Auditorium was full of people on 17th of August 2016 to listen our conference "Conservation Photography: Stories from a world without borders" at the Art Museum in Bloemfontein South Africa

17 Agosto 2016:  Sala gremita per la nostra conferenza
Tag: News, Exhibitions - Year:
We are pleased to announce the publication of our book "Dama", dedicated to fallow deer and supported by the Italian Science Accademy

Siamo lieti di annunciare la pubblicazione del nostro volume
Tag: LIbri, News - Year:
After the sold out of the first edition, the second edition of the book Italy World Heritage is out, it included the 51 Italia Heritage site, Arab-Norman Palermo and the Cathedral Churches of Cefal and Monreale

Dopo il sold out della prima edizione à in libreria la seconda edizione del volume
Tag: LIbri, News - Year:
The image awarded at the Kuusamo XXI Nature Photo competition 2016

L'immagine premiata  alla Kuusamo XXI Nature Photo competition 2016
Tag: Contests, News - Year: 2016
Our work on Wild Rome on the National Geographic Italy
Il nostro lavoro su Wild Rome sul National Geographic Italia
Tag: - Year: 2016
Italy, World Heritage. Presentation of the book to the Chamber of Deputies

Italia, patrimonio dell'Umanità. Presentazione del volume alla Camera dei Deputati
Tag: Books,Media, News, Exhibitions - Year: 2016
Mamao Motu, remote lands - New Zealand Subantarctic Islands on La Rivista della Natura
Mamao Motu, le terre lontane - Isole Subantartiche neozelandesi su La Rivista della Natura
Tag: News, Photo Stories, Media - Year: 2016
Invited by the Geo show on RAI 3 to talk about Appennine Brown Bear

Su Geo di RAI 3 per parlare di orso marsicano - 10 febbraio
Tag: Media, News, Exhibitions - Year: 2016
Rome, Ville verte - Wild Rome, Nat'Images

Happy to see our article about Wild Rome on the latest issue of Nat'Images.

Rome, Ville verte - Wild Rome, Nat'Images
Tag: photo stories, media - Year: 2016
From 5th to 7th of February in Laval France, to show at 8 Festimages Nature

Successfully kick off for our exhibition Wild Rome, more than 6.500 visited at Festimages Nature in Laval

Dal 5 al 7 febbraio Wild Rome a Laval per il Festimages Nature
Tag: media, news, mostre - Year: 2016
The Big Five and Mickey Mouse

Our images on the last issue of Topolino: The European Big Five faced to the African Big Five. When you see your own work on a kids magazine you feel a little bit younger, isnt.

I Big Five e il Topolino
Tag: News, Photo Stories, Media - Year: 2016
Our images on Wildscreen Exchange

Happy to be part of the Wildscreen Exchange photo database, a unique global hub for all conservation communications.

La nostre foto su Wildscreen Exchange
Tag: Media, News - Year: 2015
The book on the 50 Italian Unesco heritage sites 2015 published by Touring Editore
Il libro di Touring sui 50 siti italiani patrimonio dellumanit dellUnesco  2015
Tag: Books, News - Year: 2015
Apollo Butterfly for IUCN 2015

Our image as a symbol of 50th years of conservation by IUCN

La farfalla Apollo per la IUCN  2015
Tag: Books,Media, News - Year: 2015
Detox Greenpeace expedition 2015

The images and videos of Roberto contribute to the international campaign to eliminate all releases of hazardous chemicals in our clothes

Spedizione Greenpeace Detox - 2015
Tag: News, Media - Year: 2015
The book Castelporziano, a story in pictures - 2015

The book on Castelporziano, one of the last forest last in the Mediterranean basin (See the web page)

Il Libro Castelporziano, un racconto per immagini - 2015
Tag: Books, News - Year: 2015
The Apennine Brown Bear for the National Geographic Italy web site - 2015

In occasion of the print of the book on Apennine Brown Bear the National Geographic Italy speaks on the conservation of the last wild bears

Lorso marsicano per il sito web del National Geographic Italia  2015
Tag: Media, News, Photo Stories - Year: 2015
National Award of Scientific Divulging, 2014

Finalist at the award with Apennine Brown Bear Book

Premio Nazionale di Divulgazione Scientifica, 2014
Tag: Books, News, Contests - Year: 2014
The conference on the bear at the Montier Fotofestival 2014

Export the conservation issues out of national borders contributes to make these themes global heritage and global emergency

La conferenza sull'orso al Festival di fotografia di Montier - 2014
Tag: News, Exhibitions - Year: 2014
A collection of images on wild cats of all over the world on Mickey Mouse Magazine 2014

Una raccolta di immagini sui felini di tutto il mondo su Topolino  2014
Tag: Media, News - Year: 2014
The African Forest Elephants for the National Geographic Italy web site - 2014

In occasion of the inclusion of the Shanga Trinational Park in the Unesco heritage list the National Geographic Italy speaks about the conservation issues of this land situated in the green heart of Africa

Gli elefanti di foresta africani per il sito web del National Geographic Italia  2014
Tag: Media, News, Photo Stories - Year: 2014
Both the last populations of bears in Italy on Focus Wild Magazine 2014

Nature conservation into the eyes of young

Le due popolazioni di orso in Italia su Focus Wild  2014
Tag: Media, News - Year:
NatImages magazine, Apennine Brown Bear - 2014

The prestigious French magazine NatImages describes the work of Roberto and Alberto on the Apennine Brown Bear

NatImages, Orso marsicano - 2014
Tag: Media, News, Photo Stories - Year: 2014
The BellItalia Magazine shows the Circeo National Park, between nature e culture 2014

La rivista BellItalia descrive il Parco Nazionale del Circeo, tra natura e cultura  2014
Tag: Media, News, Photo Stories - Year: 2014
The Carsa Editores book on the Apennine Brown Bear 2014

Biology, ecology, habitat description, conservation issues, research activities and photographic solutions on the first photographic book on this species
(See the web page)

Il libro di Carsa sullOrso marsicano  2014
Tag: Books, News, Photo Stories - Year: 2014
Workshop "Kotka Project", Lapland - 2014

A field workshop to create a photo-story on a project about the Finnish Lapland, focusing on Golden Eagle

Tag: News - Year: 2014
Concours International de Photo Nature 2013 of Montier, France

Finalist at the contest

Concours International de Photo Nature 2013 di Montier, Francia
Tag: Contests, News, Exhibitions - Year: 2013
The parrot illegal trade on BBC Wildlife Magazine 2012

The prosperous illegal trade in parrots from South America to Europe is due, of course, to the many problems in the countries of origin of those beautiful birds but above all to the high demand for pets by the rich countries

Il Commercio illegale di pappagalli su BBC Wildlife Magazine  2012
Tag: Media, News - Year: 2012
Marked photo at Oasis Photo Contest 2012, Italy

Foto segnalata al Oasis Photo Contest 2012, Italia
Tag: Contests, News - Year: 2012
The BellItalia Magazine tells the story of Castelporziano Natural Reserve 2012

La rivista BellItalia racconta la storia della riserva di Castelporziano  2012
Tag: News, Photo Stories, Media - Year: 2012
Bubu Day, Roma - 2012

Homo ambiens and WWF carry out the Bubu Day; a conference on the Apennine Brown Bear and its future

Bubu Day, Roma - 2012
Tag: News, Exhibitions - Year: 2012
Professional Photographer of the year 2012, UK

Finalist at the contest

Professional Photographer of the year 2012, UK
Tag: Contests, Photo Stories - Year: 2012
CITES manual, Serbia - 2011

The images of Roberto and Alberto to print a CITES manual on the control of the trade of wild species

Manuale CITES, Serbia - 2011
Tag: Books, News - Year: 2011
A prestigious exhibition-concert at the Auditorium of Rome for fundraising of the WWF campaigns 2011

Una prestigiosa mostra-concerto allAuditorio di Roma per una raccolta fondi per le attivit del WWF  2011
Tag: Exhibitions, News - Year: 2011
Glanzlichter 13th International Competition of Nature Photography 2011, Germany

Finalist at the contest

Glanzlichter 13th International Competition of Nature Photography 2011, Germania
Tag: News, Contests - Year: 2011
The exhibition A look on biodiversity in Rome 2011

La mostra
Tag: Exhibitions, News - Year: 2011
The book of Touring Edition The wonders of Earth Planet 2011

Photos, stories and paints to introduce to the young people to the diversity of the planet and to the responsibility of humans in its conservation
(See the web page)

Il volume di Touring Le meraviglie del Pianeta Terra  2011
Tag: Books, News, Photo Stories - Year: 2011
The magazine Oasis dedicates a portfolio to Roberto and Alberto 2011

La rivista Oasis dedica a Roberto e Alberto un portfolio  2011
Tag: Media, News - Year: 2011
The international animal trade, "La Rivista della Natura" magazine 2010

An article together with the WWF Italy President

Il commercio di animali nel mondo, La Rivista della Natura  2010
Tag: - Year: 2010
National Wildlife Photo Contest - 2010

Honorable mention at the contest

National Wildlife Photo Contest - 2010
Tag: Contests, News - Year: 2010
A WWF calendar for the International Year of Biodiversity 2010

Le photos of Roberto and Alberto for a institutional calendar of WWF, to remind also, to the Italian Republic President, the importance of nature conservation

Un calendario WWF in occasione dellanno Internazionale della biodiversit 2010
Tag: News - Year: 2010
The tiger for the National Geographic Italy web site - 2010

In occasion of the International Forum on Tiger conservation the National Geographic Italy remind us the conservation issues of this endangered species

La tigre per il sito web del National Geographic Italia  2010
Tag: Media, News, Photo Stories - Year: 2010
The National Geographic exhibition Our planet at Exposition Palace of Rome 2010

Inside to the authoritative annual exhibition that National Geographic dedicates to our planet, a section shows the WWF projects through the images of Roberto and Alberto

La mostra National Geographic Il nostro mondo al Palazzo delle Esposizioni di Roma  2010
Tag: Exhibitions, News - Year: 2010
WildPhotos 2009 - London

Homo ambiens shows its activities in conservation photography

WildPhotos 2009 - Londra
Tag: Exhibitions, News - Year: 2009
Trierenberg Super Circuit Photo Contest 2009

Third position at the photo contest

Trierenberg Super Circuit  Photo Contest 2009
Tag: Contests, News - Year: 2009
The photos of the very rare Jungle Rabbit of the Sumatran forest 2009

Thanks to these precious images of a species rare, shoot only 3 times in the last 30 years, the Indonesian WWF got new funding to start new conservation projects in the area

Le foto del rarissimo coniglio della giungla di Sumatra  2009
Tag: Photo Stories, News, Media - Year: 2009
The Journeys of La Repubblica newspaper 2009

Lapland and much other exotic places shown on the weekly supplement

I Viaggi di La Repubblica  2009
Tag: Photo Stories, News, Media - Year: 2009
National Geographic Italy 2009

Dynamics and responsibility of the international wildlife trade

National Geographic Italia - 2009
Tag: photo stories, News, media - Year: 2009
Two photographers to enrich the photo library and the communication chance of WWF Brasil, Pantanal Forever Project 2007

Due fotografi per implementare larchivio fotografico del WWF Brasile per le attivit di comunicazione del progetto Pantanal Forever  2007
Tag: photo stories - Year: 2007
Cirali, Turkey on Airone magazine 2003

The photographic expedition of Roberto to document the project of sustainable tourism, born to support the Loggerhead turtle conservation in Turkey

Cirali, Turchia su Airone   2003
Tag: photo stories, media - Year: 2003
Third position at 5 National Award of Nature Litterature 2002, Italy

Terzo classificato al 5 Premio Nazionale di Letteratura Naturalistica 2002, Italia
Tag: concorsi, photo stories - Year: 2002