The green heart of Europe
Danubio Delta

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The political consequences of the enlargement to the east of the borders are every day more evident; but one of the things that rarely we think about is that Eastern countries have also brought immense ecological heritage into the Union. The rewilding of Europe (the process of returning to many European -in contrast with many other areas of the world countries- of some wildlife species that disappeared in past centuries) is a phenomenon of great scientific interest,. And even if the natural processes such as the expansion towards the west of the big mammals of Eastern Europe (Bears, Linci, Bisonti, Sciacalli and Lupi) do not know barriers or treaties, the Europe of the 28 represents a huge ecosystem and the possibility of managing it in a unitary way is an opportunity that should not be missed. From the eastern borders of the EU originate many stories that deserve to be told .. ... read more

You get to Periprava after a long journey that helps to immerse yourself totally in the isolation of this remote place. The thought that until the 70s of last century this was a place of pain (a field of work for political prisoners) evokes on one hand the nebulous memory of a distant past (now faded by time and slow but powerful flowing water in the main branch of the river), on the other hand it is tangible evidence that man, with his desolations, is a small thing and his sign, however profound, is soon swept away by the energy of nature. The Danube crosses 10 countries and 4 European capital cities. After 2860 km, before jumping into the Black Sea, it disperses into thousand streams, lakes and creeks that make up the delta. An immense natural area, the green heart of the old continent, the largest natural wetland in Europe: this is the delta of the longest river in Europe; 679,000 hectares of the vast territory of the delta are protected by EU laws. The core of the reserve (312.400 hectares) was designated "Natural Heritage of Humanity" in 1991.